e-Lending in a Nutshell

Lending as a business is in dire need of a facelift. Right now, business processes are time consuming, paper-intensive, stressful and very static with many redundancies. Current loan processes/turnaround time still takes days if not weeks.

The major players in lending are the underwriters, brokers, title companies, funders, managers, customer service, officers, investors, bankers, software vendors and others, who all speak the same language. The major players see the same documents and make similar decisions, but communicate on separate channels. This results in redundancy, lost time, effort and money. The keyword here is communication channels.

ZebraSoft is providing an eCommerce Solution for lending processes and and we are offering the following systems:
Broker System & Architect
Broker Franchise System & Architect
Lender System & Architect
Virtual Lender System & Architect