ZebraSoft Project Management White Paper ®


Table of contents

Executive summary


Concept and Approach

Body of Knowledge

OO and OOD Concept

PM Data Type

PM Primitive and Derived Data Types

PM Methods and Statements


PM Classes

PM Model


Advantage and Savings



Executive summary

The goal of this white paper is to put our ZebraSoft approach to project management in a nutshell. Project management is not a concrete science yet; Object Oriented (OO) and Object Oriented Design (OOD) are the best approach to software development and design; management is an art where individuality and style are important keys in managing projects. We at ZebraSoft.com have combined all these aspects into an approach that satisfies all that we mentioned. Our ZebraSoft Project Management Framework (ZPMF) provides a concrete structure, a methodology, a framework and a body of knowledge for companies to implement, customize, inherit, learn from and cut/paste into their existing project management with very little changes and minimum cost. We are basically turning project management into a language similar to Java with its own data types, methods, classes and APIs. Project managers will be designing, programming and managing their projects similar to what Java architects and analysts do in designing and developing software projects.



Project Management (PM) is an emerging profession and as we have mentioned it is not a concrete science yet.  Project Management is still in its development stage and companies and institutes are making all kinds of claims. New techniques, methodologies and tools are introduced on a daily basis. There is a number of institutes such as Project Management Institute (PMI)® are working on standardizing PM and producing a general acceptance of body of knowledge and practices. Project Management for software development is even a newer and faster merging profession due to the demands on reducing the cost of software projects.


ZebraSoft.com is introducing ZebraSoft Project Management Framework (ZPMF) as a framework for PM for software development. ZPMF helps companies with the following:


·        Concept

·        Body of Knowledge

·        Structure

·        Methodology

·        OO and OOD Approach


ZebraSoft uses Object Oriented (OO) and Object Oriented Design (OOD) to PM approach. Our ZebraSoft approach is to create PM objects that can be used directly, inherited, learned from, or cut/paste into other PM objects. Like OO and OOD, ZebraSoft uses divide and conquer of big projects into smaller and more manageable subprojects.


ZebraSoft is using real world practices, tools and techniques to help companies and project managers visualize the concept and have hands-on practices. Companies and project managers can employ ZebraSoft methodologies, techniques, approach and examples in several ways: use them directly in their software projects, copy (cut/paste), learn or build their own. This can be done with little changes and minimum cost to companies’ existing structures. It can also help companies build management and software development structures or fine-tune their existing ones.


Concept and Approach


Object Oriented and Object Oriented Design Approach:


The approach is as follows:


1.      Divide the program into logical parts, which are called classes

2.      Each part (class) is totally independent of the rest of the program.

3.      Each part (class) has its own data and methods enclosed within it.

4.      Data and methods within any part are hidden and cannot be modified by any code outside the class.

5.      You can use any of these parts (classes) by simply calling the part name and adding the task (method) name to the part.

6.      The program has one "manager" method that manages the entire program.

7.      Classes can inherit preexisting classes.


The OO approach is to divide and conquer a large program into smaller and manageable classes. The OO approach for PM is to divide the PM into classes that has data and methods. The data is the Workers, Artifacts, Report, Doc, …etc. The methods are the Project Management Institute (PMI) processes® such as “Scope Planning”. Each class is an independent entity that can be used, inherited or instantiated the way Java or C++ classes are used.


Body of Knowledge

Like PMI® we are providing a ZPMF Body of Knowledge (ZBOK) which has the needed material for both the new and experienced project managers to read and use as a reference. ZBOK is a guideline which contains some of our real world experiences.


OO and OOD Concept

The main idea behind OO and OOD is that the design and the code are done only once and reused repeatedly by the creation of instances of a class (object) or by inheritance the same way genes are passed from parents to children. OO gives the inheritee the option of using the code or overriding (changing) the code to fit its needs. ZPMF has all the needed classes for any project manager to reuse or inherit as well as do any changes to fit the project needs and the management style and approach. For example, a project manager can use ZPMF classes directly into the project or inherits ZMPF classes as well as overrides its methods and data. The project manager can create more than one instance of the Risk class; each instance (object) is for a different project risk. This means that the ZPMF work is done only once and it can be used repeatedly.


PM Data Type

Any programming language is composed of data types, which are the building blocks of the language itself.  Type is a set of values and operations a data type may have. For example, Java has integer, float, double and char (character) as its primitive data types. These types are used to store and manipulate data.


PM Primitive and Derived Data Types

Data types can be primitive and derived data types. Primitive data types are the basic building blocks that cannot be broken-down any farther such as an integer in Java. A derived data type is made up of primitive data type like a Java array of integer.


ZPMF has its own primitive data types, which are the building blocks of its language and structure. For example, Workers or Artifacts in a software project are data that are used to create Activities and Workflow. Therefore, ZPMF primitive data types have Worker and Activity as some of its types. While Activities and Workflow are the ZPMF derived types, since they are composed of primitive data types. ZPMF has a number of primitive data types and the following are some of them:


1.      Date

2.      Contact

3.      Decision

4.      Worker

5.      Artifact

6.      Event

7.      Dependency

8.      Document

9.      Report


Each of the primitive data is composed of a table of characteristics the same way and integer is defined in Java or C++ (as the programming language compiler makes a table for its types).


ZPMF has primitive and derived data types that are used the same way Java uses integers and arrays of integers. ZPMF primitive and derived types are used to store and manipulate the project data. ZPMF has a number of derived data types and the following are some of the declaration of the derived data type:


DerivedDataType Monitor






DerivedDataType DecisionMaker








ZPMF uses OO syntax and semantics to define data type.


PM Methods and Statements

According to PMI® , projects are composed of processes. A process is:


“a series of actions bringing about a result”


ZPMF has the same approach as PMI® , but we are using OO methodology and way of thinking. ZPMF uses methods and statements to do the same tasks of the PMI processes® , where they can be grouped into classes that can be inherited or their methods overridden (modified). This OO approach gives project management an OO and OOD structure and a way of thinking. Project managers can create instances of PM classes (objects) and use its methods the same way a Java programmer uses Sun Microsystems classes and methods.



A method is collection of statements (tasks) that are performed on a data type. The method has a name. It has a heading and body. The method heading contains the method name and parentheses with arguments passed to the method. The body consists of “open” and “close” curly brackets which contains zero or more statements as follow:


scopePlan(argument list …)           


            statement;            // zero or more statement




A method can be called or invoked 0 or more times. Methods may take zero or more arguments as a parameter list.


scopePlan();            // no argument


scopeDefinition(Document []            documentHandle);



A PM statement is an instruction or a task for a manager or a worker to perform. A method may have 0 or more statements. A statement must end with a semicolon “;”.



A Java API is an Application Programming Interface, which is a method (code) that is given by Sun Microsystems for Java programmers to use in their application development. ZPMF is using the same approach and creating API for PM.


API = Assignment Programming Interface.


ZPMF has created two sets of APIs. The first is all the PMI processes® and the second ZPMF own APIs. A project team can use any of the two or create their own APIs the same way code libraries and utilities of APIs are created in software development. This is an excellent approach for the following:


1.      Standardizing methods, statements and classes

2.      Standardizing project management

3.      Standardizing project structure

4.      Freedom for project managers to use or override APIs.

5.      Quick updating by downloading APIs the same way Sun Microsystems website is providing Java’s latest and the greatest using the Internet.

6.      Special projects may use these APIs, or develop their own.

7.      Cut/paste of APIs to speed PM structure and development.


PM Classes

A class provides a new way of declaring a data type that has functionality. The class data type contains both the data types and the methods that perform certain tasks on the data. A class is a way of grouping logical data and the associated methods within one object (class).


Class “Class-Name”


member data list                        - 0 or more

// Members are  known as properties


member interfaces                      - 0 or more


member method list                     - 0 or more



Member Data List

1.      Arrays of Data types

2.      Arrays of Derived Data types

3.      Class - Pre-declared classes

4.      Initializer


PM_Base Class

PM_Base is a special class and it is the parent class of all the project classes. All the classes share one PM_Base and its main function is to provide:


1.      Communication

2.      Monitoring

3.      Start and end dates

4.      Shared resources

5.      Visibility

6.      Visibility Modifiers

7.      Scope

8.      Flagging of errors

9.      Exceptions

10.  Conflicts

11.  Problems

12.  Illegal Action

13.  Interface

14.  Progress


PM_Base class is the main depository of all data for the project. Its main functionality is sharing, controlling and resolving conflicts.


The following anchor will open a window for the actual PM_Base class declaration for ZPMF.


                         PM_Base Class Declaration



An object is an instance of class. There may be 0 or more instance of one class.

PM_Base is the exception; in any project there is only one PM_Base object that all the other objects share.



An interface is a shared boundary where independent systems meet and act on or communicate with each other.


Interface “Interface-Name”


Member List                          - 0 or more

            Common boundary                - 0 or more

            Dependencies                        - 0 or more



PM Model


                         Open ZPMF Model


The ZPMF model is graphic representation of classes and their hierarchal order in term of classes and their parents and children. We will briefly give a description of the model, but the reader may have to know OO inheritance rules to fully understand its composition.  The PM_Base class is the parent of all the classes and it is known as the super-class of the PM design. It is inherited by the Inception class, which launches a number of methods that are essential to the classes that follow or inherit it. The next level of hierarchical is a set of classes that inherit the Inception class. The arrows show that the lower classes are the children of the upper ones. The same thing applies to every level until the bottom level. Note that only the Management class inherits the entire row of classes above it. It shows how anyone can design the PM structure and control the inheritance and accessibility of the parent class methods and data. For example, the Management class has access to the classes in the row above it and it has the right by inheritance to access all of its parents’ class methods and data including the super PM_Base class. The Iteration and the Closing classes are last and they inherit all the above classes. The Development Plan class can only access the following:


1.      PM_Base

2.      Inception

3.      Resource Plan

4.      Activity Plan

5.      Scope Plan


OO helps set a structure to the PM and provides control over data and methods and not everyone in the hierarchal has access to all the classes’ data and methods.



An instance of a class is known as an object. There can be more that one object for the same class. This can help structure differently PM for different projects. For example, the Risk class may have several instances one per project risk instead of creating one Risk object for all the project risks. This can save a great deal of work and have a uniform task performance and accessibility to resources.


Advantage and Savings

OO and OOD is a proven tool for saving code, time, efforts and money. ZPMF is a structure, a design, a methodology, a way of thinking and an approach that help companies manage their projects with uniformity and consistence with less conflicts and chaos. The saving in term of money, time, efforts, dynamic structure using classes and APIs, and reusability is tremendous. The concept is simple and implementing it is even simpler. Every class has its methods and data to be performed and the PM_Base class acts as the Godfather of the project and sets control and solves conflicts.



The existing PM tools in today’s market are not capable of handling such structure. ZPMF can be implemented using a spreadsheet. We at ZebraSoft are working on a software tool that helps put everything in motion. But we need financial help or maybe partner with anyone that can make this happen.