Introduction To Java

Developing with Java:


                Programming languages are categorized according to their capabilities; they are either system, application or designed for Artificial Intelligence.  C and C++ can be used to develop system and/or application software, where they provide standard libraries rich with programming tools.   Object oriented programming is the cutting edge and more and more system and application software are moving toward object-oriented design.  The latest in software development is creating reusable components.  With Web coming on scene, software development is taking a whole new look.  Where does Java fit in all these categories?  Java is designed to do all these types of programming categories, but it may not be the best for some categories.    Java is an object oriented programming language that can be use to develop application, applets, system, reusable components and servlets.  We will cover each category briefly and hopefully they all will be cover extensively in the coming sections.





                An application is a stand-alone Java program that runs on any computer or system. 




An applet is a Java program that can NOT run by itself, but needs a browser or an applet viewer to run the applets.   Basically, applets are designed for Java programs that run on the Web.




                “a reusable software components that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool”.


                Applications and applets are user defined Java classes that composed of data objects (variables), methods, which may include constructors.  A JavaBean or a Bean for short is also a user defined class that is composed of the same thing, but it is designed to be reusable software components, that can be manipulated visually in a builder tools.  A reusable component here means an independent subprogram that can be added to an existing program.




A server is the service provider on the Web.   For example, a computer requesting data from a network is a client and computer that is providing the data is the server.   Servlets are Java programs designed to be part of a Web server.   Servlets are developed using the Java Servlet Application Programming Interface (API) in addition to the Java classes and packages.   Servlets extends the server capabilities by providing Web services such as communicating with server database resources.


Please note that we will develop application first to cover the Java language and almost all its features then we will be cover applets and Beans.


First Program (Application):


                We will start this section by listing the, which is an example of a Java application.  Example # 1 is a simple program that prints one message on the monitor.  It is composed of a class called “firstProgram” and has two methods declared within the class.  The first method “firstProgram”, which is known as the class constructor and the second is a “main” method, which is a static method.   The “firstProgram” class is instantiated to create a class object using the “new” operator.   The “firstProgram” class is declared as a public class.  The “java.lang” package is imported in order to call the “System.out.println” method to print the "****  First Program  ********" message.  We will briefly cover some these terms mentioned in this paragraph hoping to put the reader at ease and not overwhelm the reader to too many new computer jargon.



Example # 1:



** This is example of a Java application to print a message


import java.lang.*;


public class firstProgram



public firstProgram()


System.out.println("****  First Program  ********");



public static void main(String [] args)


firstProgram MyfirstProgram = new firstProgram();






****  First Program  ********


Java File Name and Directories:


                A Java source file must have the extension “.java”.  The source file name should be the same as the class name declared within it.  For example, firstProgram class is declared in a source file named  If there is more than one class declared within a source file, there should be only one public class declared in that source file and the rest of the classes should not be public.  If these is more than one class needed to be declared as a public class, then each public class should has its own source file with the same class name as the source file name and the extension “.java”.


                Directories do not have to follow the same rules as the source file, but there is a standard convention for naming directories as the name of the packages or sub-packages.  A package is grouping a number of programs under one group or package name.   For example, if we group all the examples in this section and put them in a package called “ChapeterTwoExamples”.  We can create a directory for each source file with the same as the source files and place it in a directory called “ChapeterTwoExamples”.   The “ChapeterTwoExamples” can be a sub-package of a directory called “Examples”.  The directory listing of “Examples” directory would as follows:














In the above listing, each source directory has the same name as source file name, which has the same as declared public class within the source file.  The above listing is not a must, but it is a naming convention adapted by Java developers.  This helps group both source file and byte code file as well as files such as bitmap file in one directory for organization and quick search.



Java Class:

                A Java class is a type.  It is a collection of data and methods that operate on the data.  The “class” is a reserved word in Java.  A class must be declared before it instantiated to create an object.  For example, the “firstProgram” class is declared and is instantiated in the static “main” method to create a class object.


Class Constructor (First Visit):


A constructor is a class member method that affects the creation of the class object and it has a unique declaration. A constructor member method is a special member method that initializes the class object, sets a side memory space and is automatically called whenever the a class object is created.   A constructor is a class member method like any other member method.   A constructor is a class member method with the following properties:


1.        The constructor has the same name as the class it is declared in.

2.        A constructor does not return any value (not even a void).

3.        It may take a zero or more arguments.



Java Object:


An object is a region of storage that has a scope and type.   Object oriented programming as well as Java defines an instance of a class as an object.


Instantiation of Class Object:


                A class is a collection of data and methods, which operate on the data.  A class may be created using class handle to produce an object that is an instance of the class.  This process is called “instantiation” of class object.  The class handle must be created and equated to the creation of the object using “new” operator.  The following is an example of instantiating a class declared in Example # 1:


firstProgram                 MyfirstProgram                 = new firstProgram();


firstProgram                 MyfirstProgram;

MyfirstProgram                 = new firstProgram();



Note that “new” operator is used to instantiate a class after the class handle is declared.  Also note that the open and close parentheses “()” are used with the “new firstProgram();” since a call to class is actually a call to the constructor of that class.



Java application:


A Java application is a Java program that can run on any computer system and it is composed of a public class that may have the following:


1.        The name of the file that contains the class must be the same name of the public class that is defined within that file (case sensitive).

2.        Must have a static  “main” method.

3.        Zero or more classes defined within (inner classes) the main public class.

4.        Zero or more other classes, which are declared outside the current class and may be located in different classes or packages.

5.        Zero or more constructors

6.        Zero or more Attributes (data objects – variables)

7.        Zero or more methods.

8.        Zero or more “import” statement.

9.        Zero or more “package” statement.

10.     Zero or more Interfaces.

11.     Zero or more Exception handler.


We need to examine Example # 1 and see it qualifies as an application.   Example #1 declares a firstProgram class as public class.   It is declared within a file called  It declares one constructor “firstProgram”.   It has a static “main” method declared with the class.  It has one import statement to provide access the “System.out.println()” method, which is a method within the “java.lang” package.  It has zero of the followings:


1.        Inner classes

2.        Classes declared outside the current class.

3.        Attributes (data objects – variables)

4.        Methods.

5.        “package” statement.

6.        Interfaces.

7.        Exception handler.


The Java firstProgram program qualifies as an application since it has the two main ingredients, a public class defined within a file with same name as the class and a static “main” method.


Compiling and Running Application:


                Compiling and running any Java program is will vary greatly from one compiler to another.  The reader should look up the compiler on-line help or manuals.


Java programs are compiled to “Byte Code” which is a machine code for an imaginary machine called “Java Virtual Machine” – (JVM).  This byte code is independent of any plate-form.  Most JVM runtime is an interpreter, which is provided by each plate-form.  This interpreter executes the byte code of JVM within its own private system parameters.





A Java source file must have the extension of “.java” and one file may contains more than one Java class.  The Java source file will compile and generate a separate “.class” (JVM byte) file for each class that is declared within a  “.java” source  file.  For example, if there is a “.java” source file that contains one class, it will compile and generate one “.class” (JVM byte) file.  If an other “.java” source file which has two separate classes and each class has tow inner classes which  totals up to six classes.   This “.java” source file will compile and generate six “.class” (JVM byte) files; one file for each class.   The Java “firstProgram” program will compile and generate only one “.class” files.


As a practice, the reader should write an application, which prints his/her name.


Standard Data Type and Statements:


We will cover each of the data type and statements types briefly with short example.   Most programmers and engineers may skip this section or glance at it and see if there is syntax or semantics of Java that does not look familiar, which it should be read and the given examples should be checked.  Our objective here is help beginners learn Java syntax and semantics as quickly as possible using example programs.


                In C language, different compilers have different size of each data type and there is signed and unsigned integer types.  For example, an “int” data type on one system can 32 bits and on an other 16 bits.  Java has an explicit size for all its primitive data types as well as its arithmetic behavior. For example, the size of an integer “int” in Java is four bytes regardless of which plate-form.  There is no unsigned integer as in C or C++.


                Java has an implicit size for each data type and does not provide unsigned integers.  In the case of bit-wise operation of shifting bits using “>>” and “<<” operators, Java has “>>>” Right Shift operator which shifts the bits to the right without losing the sign value of the integer being shifted.   Java has two new data type which are byte and boolean.  Java does not have a String as data type, but Java has two classes that manipulate strings, which are “String” and “StringBuffer”


Java Constants:


Most programming languages provide two types of constants a Literal constants and Escape sequence Java provides both as follows:


1.        Literal:

Constant Values are known as Literals.  Literals are as follows:

A.      Integer Constants:

An integer is a number with no fraction which can be:

1.        integer value (short or int) -  12, 32676

2.        long integer  -  12L(or l), 989898L

3.        OctalNumber -012,0367(must precede with a Zero)

4.        Hexadecimal  - 0XAD7, 0xabc (must precede with Zero and X (or x)

5.        Character -  'A', 'a', '*', ' ' (blank) A character is an integer constant written within a single quotes.

B.       Float point constant

A floating point constant may contain a fraction and or exponent.  It has a range far larger than the integer.  The following are floating point constants:


1,  2.345, 1.3E+234, 1.3e-234, 123456789098


C.       String constant

A string constant is a zero or more characters enclosed within double quotes such as "joe was here", "JOE WAS HERE", "Joe Was Here", "" (Null string - zero number of characters).


2.        Escape sequence

An escape is a sequence of two or three characters following the "\" slash character that represents one character.   For example, "\n" represents new line character.  The following is the escape sequence list:


    \a, \b, \t, \n, \r, \\, \', \", \v, \?, \0000   (\0000 = sequence of 4 octal digit)




                A boolean value is not an integer and may not be treated as an integer.  A boolean value can not be casted to or from any other type.  A boolean variable can be assigned to expression that results in True or False value.  For example, conversion of an integer value to boolean can be done as follows:


Boolean                 TrueOrFalse    = false;

int                          IntHas32Bits   = 10;



TrueOrFalse = (10 == IntHas32Bits);


      System.out.println("SetToTrue     = TRUE and IntHas32Bits =\t" + IntHas32Bits);


      System.out.println("SetToTrue     = FALSE and IntHas32Bits =\t" + IntHas32Bits);

System.out.println("TrueOrFalse     = \t" + TrueOrFalse);


The above code segment has an expression testing to for 10 equals “IntHas32Bits” and the evaluation of this expression will result in a true or false value, which will be stored in “TrueOrFalse” boolean variable.  Boolean value can also be printed as in the last println statement.




                C treats char type as an integer that can be signed and unsigned.  Java treat chars as actual characters which with 16 bits in size.  The size of char (16 bits) gives the ability to store up to 32768 different characters.  The Java char type holds what is known as “Unicode” character.  “Unicode” has the range of  “\u0000” to “\uFFFF”.  The first 256 char are the ASCII characters and the remaining (32,768 – 256) can used by any one or any system.  This makes a Java char type flexible to be used as any characters other the ASCII.  This gives room for characters other than English, such as Chinese, Arabic or Russian.


                Java “Unicode” support all the Java escape sequence such as ‘\n’, ‘\r’.  The octal digits in Java are four digits “\XXXX” and not the three digits  “\XXX” of C.  The followings are two major differences between “Unicode” escape and Java escape characters:


1.        “Unicode” escape char can appear in place in the code, while the other escape characters can only appear in characters and string quotes.

2.        “Unicode” escape char are processed before the other escape characters.



byte, short, int and long:


                “byte, short, int and long “ are integer types with specific size.   They are unsigned types.  The following is a list of each integer type and their bits sizes:


                Byte                        8 bits                      -128 to 127


Short                      16 bits                    -32768 to 32767


int                           32 bits                   


Long                       64 bits


Float and double:


                These floating point type are IEEE 754 floating point.  Their type and bits sizes are as follows:


                float                        32 bits


                double                    64 bits


Example # 2 is a quick Java program to illustrate how to declare primitive data types, initialize them with some constants and print them.  Note that the String is not a Java primitive data but a Java class declared as part of the “java.lang.String” package.  We may not need to import the “java.lang” package since most compilers will imported by default.


Example # 2:


** This Java application is to illustrate the Primitive data type.


import java.lang.*;


public class PrimitiveDataType


boolean                    TrueOrFalse                = false;

char                          CharHas16Bits                = 'A';

byte                          ByteHas8Bits                = 12;

short                         ShortHas16Bits                = 155;

int                            IntHas32Bits                = 10;

long                         LongHas64Bits                = 1234;

float                         Float_1                   = (float)3.1; // must be casted

double                      DoublePrecision                = 19.9;

String                        Title                        = "Primitive Data Type";


public PrimitiveDataType()   // constructor


System.out.println("\t\t" + Title);


System.out.println("Char16Bits                        = " + CharHas16Bits);

System.out.println("ByteHas8Bits     = " + ByteHas8Bits);

System.out.println("ShortHas16Bits   = " + ShortHas16Bits);

System.out.println("IntHas32Bits                      = " + IntHas32Bits);

System.out.println("LongHas64Bits   = " + LongHas64Bits);

System.out.println("Float_1                            = " + Float_1);

System.out.println("DoublePrecision  = " + DoublePrecision);


System.out.println("SetToTrue     = TRUE");


System.out.println("SetToTrue     = FALSE");




public static void main(String [] args)


PrimitiveDataType                MyPrimitiveDataType  = new PrimitiveDataType();





Primitive Data Type




Char16Bits             = A

ByteHas8Bits       = 12

ShortHas16Bits  = 155

IntHas32Bits         = 10

LongHas64Bits                   = 1234

Float_1                   = 3.1

DoublePrecision = 19.9

SetToTrue            = FALSE






                Comments are ignored by the compiler and not included in the executable program.   Java provides three types of comments which identical to C++ comments.  The first is the /*…*/ where the compiler will ignore any statements between /* …  */.    /*...*/ comment may run for several lines of statements.   The second is “line” comment which is composed of “//”a double slashes.  The compiler will ignore any statements following the “//” until the end of line (Carriage Return) is encountered.


                The third type of comment is /** DOC … */ “Doc” comment which is similar to C++ documentation comments.  “Doc” comment is processed by the “javadoc” program to produce simple online documentation from the Java source code.


Note: No nesting of comments are allowed.




                Like most languages Java’s statement is a command to the system to execute.  Statements can be of the following:


1.        Labeled Statement

A.     case expression:

B.      default:

2.        Expression  Statement

A.     Assignment Statement (  Value = 10;)

B.      Method Call

C.      Null Statement – ( ; )

D.      Import Statement

1.        import packages

2.        import Java classes

E. Synchronized Statement

3.        Compound Statement – Block  ( {…} )

4.        Selection Statement

A.     if ( expression) statement

B.      if (expression) statement else statement

C.      switch statement

D.      Exception and Exceptional Handling - try {}catch(…){} finally {}

5.        Jump Statement

A.     No goto Statement

B.      Continue

C.      Break

D.      Return

6.        Iteration Statement

A.     for (initialization expression; terminating expression; update expression) statement

B.      do statement (expression);

C.      while (expression) statement


We will briefly cover each of each statement with a short example in the next section.


Language Syntax and Semantics:


                Every computer language provides rules that govern the construction of a valid statement (syntax) and another set rules which give the meaning of a statement (semantics).  We will not get too technical and lose our audience, but we will help the reader learn what is and is not allowed using actual Java programs.


Selection Statement:


The Selection statement helps with choosing one of several control flows. It gives the programmer ability to branch to of number of statements.  It can be one of the following statements:


1.        if statement




2.        if statement else statement






3.        Ternary  Operator

Expression ?                statement:                statement;


4.        switch statement



                case constant expression                :  statement

                case constant expression                :  statement

                default                                                :  statement



5.        Exception and Exceptional Handling





catch(parameter type                 identifier)






The “if”, “if else” and “? : ;” ternary operator require a boolean expression be evaluated and the result would branch the control flow  to the proper statement.   The “if” and “if else” statements can be nested. The “switch” statement evaluates an expression that will send the control flow to a label with a constant expression.   If there is no label constant that matches the “switch” statement expression, the control flow will go to the “default” label.


                Exception handling is an attempt to handle known errors by executing the suspected statement(s) within the “try” block and if an error occurs the control flow would go to the “catch” block to handle the error, other wise the control flow will skip the “catch” block.


Example # 3 has code to illustrate “if”, “if else” and “? : ;” ternary operators, while Example # 4 has the code for the “switch” statement.   Example # 3 declares “IfElseStatements” class that has a constructor and the “ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard()” method.    This method is a simple example of how to read a positive integer from the keyboard.  It has an “IOException” exception, which handles the known error of getting a character from the keyboard.  If the statement in the “try” block fails, the control flow will go to the “catch” block and returns a zero or the “Total”.  The code in the constructor reads three integer numbers and uses nested “if else” statements to figure out the grade.  The code uses three ternary expression to get the highest score out of the three scores.  It prints the output to the screen as given in the output section of Example # 3.  The logical operators AND "&&" and OR "||" will be covered in the logical operators section.  The difference between the “println()” and “print()” method is the fact “print()” will not advance the cursor to the next line as the “println()” method does.  The “print()” method is used to print a prompt for a user input.   The “IfElseStatements” class is instantiated in the static “main” method using the “new” operator to create an “IfElseStatements” class object.



Example # 3


 ** This program illustrates the if - else statements. It also illustrates

 ** the logical operators AND "&&" and OR "||"


import java.lang.*;


public class IfElseStatements



public IfElseStatements()


      int       Test_1, Test_2, Test_3;

      int       Average;

      int       HighestTest = 0;


      System.out.println("\n\n\nEnter three test score between 0 - 100");

      System.out.print("Please Enter First test score  ====> ");

      Test_1 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

      System.out.print("Please Enter Second test score ====> ");

      Test_2 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

      System.out.print("Please Enter Thirs test score  ====> ");

      Test_3 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

      if(  (Test_1 > 100)                || (Test_2 > 100)                || (Test_3 > 100)

         || (Test_1 < 0)                || (Test_2 < 0)                || (Test_3 < 0)



        System.out.print("Error - No Test Score should be graeter than");

        System.out.println(" 100 or less than zero");



      Average = (int)(((Test_1 + Test_2 + Test_3) / 3.0) / 10);

      if(Average < 6)

        System.out.println("Failing Grade with an average   = " + Average * 10);


        if( (Average >= 6) && (Average < 7))

          System.out.println("You got D Grade with an average = " + Average * 10);


          if( (Average >= 7) && (Average < 8))

            System.out.println("You got C Grade with an average = " + Average * 10);


            if( (Average >= 8) && (Average < 9))

              System.out.println("You got B Grade with an average = " + Average * 10);


              if( (Average >= 9) && (Average < 11))

                System.out.println("You got A Grade with an average = " + Average * 10);

             else   //*  default:


                 System.out.print("This is the default case, ");

                 System.out.println("there must be an error");



      HighestTest = (HighestTest < Test_1)? Test_1: HighestTest;

      HighestTest = (HighestTest < Test_2)? Test_2: HighestTest;

      HighestTest = (HighestTest < Test_3)? Test_3: HighestTest;

      System.out.println("\n\n Highest Test = " + HighestTest);



public int ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard()


    int   InputByte;

    int   Total = 0;




       InputByte =;

       // skip carriage return

       if(   ('\n' == InputByte)

          ||  ('\r' == InputByte)


         InputByte =;


    catch(IOException MyIOException)


      return (0);


    while(  (InputByte >= '0')

        &&  (InputByte <= '9')



      Total = (Total * 10)  + (InputByte - ('0'));



        InputByte =;


      catch(IOException MyIOException)


        return (Total);




}    // ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard


public static void main(String [] args)


      IfElseStatements  MyIfElseStatements  = new IfElseStatements();





Enter three test score between 0 - 100

Please Enter First test score  ====> 90

Please Enter Second test score ====> 91

Please Enter Thirs test score  ====> 92

You got A Grade with an average = 90


 Highest Test = 92



Labeled Statement:


                Label statements may have label prefixes.  Labels are basically an address to jump to or GOTO.  Labels have unique names and should not be duplicated or re-declared.  Labels can be one of the followings:


1.        “goto”  Statement

Java does not allow any GOTO statements.


2.        case expression

3.        default

The “switch” statements uses the “case” and “default” labels.  An integer type must follow the “case” label.



Example # 4 has code to illustrate the “switch” statement.   It declares “SwitchStatement” class that has a constructor and the “ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard()” method.    This method is a simple example of how to read a positive integer from the keyboard.  It has an “IOException” exception, which handles the known error of getting a character from the keyboard.  If the statement in the “try” block fails, the control flow will go to the “catch” block and returns a zero or the “Total”.  The code in the constructor reads three integer numbers and uses the “switch” statement to figure out the grade.  Note that “break” statement is used to end the control flow and sends it the end of the “switch” statement.   The “case” 0 to 4 have no break and control flow drops from “case 0:” to “case 5” executes the “println()” statement then it reaches the “break” statements and break out of the “switch” statement.  For example, if the average of all test scores is equal 2, 3 or 4, the control flow will jump to that case label.  Since there no statements to be executed, it will drop to next case and so on executing any statement in its path until it reaches the “break” statement and breaks out of the “switch” statement.


case 0 :

case 1 :

case 2 :

case 3 :

case 4 :

case 5 :

System.out.println("Failing Grade with an average   = " + Average * 10);



The “SwitchStatement” class is instantiated in the static “main” method using the “new” operator to create an “SwitchStatement” class object.



Example # 4


 ** This program illustrates the SWITCH statement. **


import java.lang.*;


public class SwitchStatement



public SwitchStatement()


double   Test_1, Test_2, Test_3;

int      Average;


System.out.println("\n\n\nEnter three test score between 0 - 100");

System.out.print("Please Enter First test score  ====> ");

Test_1 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

System.out.print("Please Enter Second test score ====> ");

Test_2 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

System.out.print("Please Enter Third test score  ====> ");

Test_3 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();

if(  (Test_1 > 100)                || (Test_2 > 100)                || (Test_3 > 100)

   || (Test_1 < 0)                                || (Test_2 < 0)                || (Test_3 < 0)



System.out.print("Error - No Test Score should be graeter than");

System.out.println(" 100 or less than zero");



Average = (int)(((Test_1 + Test_2 + Test_3) / 3.0) / 10);

switch (Average)


case 0 :

case 1 :

case 2 :

case 3 :

case 4 :

case 5 :

System.out.println("Failing Grade with an average   = "

+ Average * 10);


case 6 :

System.out.println("You got D Grade with an average = "

+ Average * 10);


case 7 :

System.out.println("You got C Grade with an average = "

+ Average * 10);


case 8 :

System.out.println("You got B Grade with an average = "

+ Average * 10);


case 9 :

case 10:

System.out.println("You got A Grade with an average = "

+ Average * 10);



    System.out.println("This is the default case, there must be an error");

}  /* end of switch statement */



public int ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard()


int   InputByte;

int   Total = 0;




InputByte =;

// skip carriage return

if(   ('\n' == InputByte)

   ||  ('\r' == InputByte)


InputByte =;


catch(IOException MyIOException)


return (0);


while(  (InputByte >= '0')

   &&  (InputByte <= '9')



Total = (Total * 10)  + (InputByte - ('0'));



InputByte =;


catch(IOException MyIOException)


return (Total);




}    // ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard


public static void main(String [] args)


SwitchStatement  MySwitchStatement = new SwitchStatement();





Enter three test score between 0 - 100

Please Enter First test score  ====> 45

Please Enter Second test score ====> 55

Please Enter Third test score  ====> 66

Failing Grade with an average   = 50


Expression  Statement:


The Expression statement is the workhouse of the Java language.  Most statements are expression statements. The following is a list of expression statements:


1.        Assignment Statement

An assignment statement must use one of the assignment operators.

=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, >>=, <<=, &=, ^=, |=

All assignment statements require a Lvalue, which must be modifiable. 

Fore example:

                Joe                = 10;

                XX                 += (10 + 5) /35;


2.        Method Call

Method call is a way to send control flow to a predefined block of code to be executed and returns the control flow to the next statement following the method call.  Methods may take arguments and return values.


                System.out.println("This is the default case, there must be an error");


                Test_1 = ReadPositiveIntFromKeyBoard();


3.        Null Statement

There are three null things in most programming languages.  They are as follows:

A.      null statement

no statement is given – empty block


B.       null string

String                 myString = “”;


C.       null  value

null is a special value, which indicates that a variable or a reference does not reference any object.


SwitchStatement          MySwitchStatement = null;

SwitchStatement          MySwitchStatement_2 = new SwitchStatement();


4.        Import Statement

“import” statement is a way of making the Java classes of packages available to be called within a program.  A class of an imported package can be referred to without giving its full name.  The “import” statement must appear before any code.


                                import java.lang.*;


A Java program can import any of the following:

A.      Entire package

import java.lang.*;


B.       A class within a package

import java.lang.System;


C.       A method of a class within a package


import java.lang.System.out.println;


5.        import packages

Classes can be grouped together to make a package.  There are a number of advantages of being a part of a package such as sharing values, methods and constants.  To let the compiler know that a class (within a file) is part of a package, the very first statement of that class file must be a package statement.


                                                package                programmingExamples;


import java.lang.*;


public class SwitchStatement



6.        Synchronized Statement

Java supports multithreaded programming, where a number of threads may be running simultaneously.  These threads may share resources such as objects or arrays.   The synchronization of updating of one of these resources might be critical.   The sections of code that should not be executed simultaneously are called “critical sections”.   The synchronized statement is a protection of the resources, where no other than the specified  critical section (code) has access to these resource.  Having an exclusive lock for these resources insures that only the specified critical section has access to these resources.  The following is the syntax and an example of synchronized statement:


                synchronized (expression) statement


The expression is or returns an object or an array

The statement is the critical section of code



                {                                // the critical code which updates myObject.


                                                // zero or more statements



Java has a number of classes such as “java.lang.Thread”, “java.lang.ThreadGroup” and “java.lang.ThreadDeath”, which provide support for multiple threads.


Compound Statement – Block


                The compound statement is also known as a “block”, where several statements are grouped together within “{“ and “}” brackets.  A program or a method is considered a block.



Iteration Statement:


                Iteration Statements are loops.  The loop body or block is executed repeatedly as long as the loop expression remains true.    Java has three types of loops as follows:


1.        for statement            // it executes zero or more

for(expression1; expression2; expression3)



2.        do statement            // it executes one or more









3.        while statement        // it executes zero or more








                expression1         = initialization loop control variable

                expression2         = testing for iteration

                expression3         = updating loop control variable


                The execution of any these loops go through the following steps:


1.        Initialize loop control variable

2.        Test for iteration – if true go to step # 3 else exit the loop

3.        Execute the loop body (statement)

4.        Update the loop control variable and go to step # 2


Jump Statement:


                Jump statements transfer control flow unconditionally.  Java has the following jump statements:


1.        Continue

The “continue” statement is only used within a loop.  It causes the control flow to jump to the execution of the loop body step as mentioned earlier.  There should be a test before executing the “continue” statement otherwise the loop will be an infinite one.  In the case of nested loops, it continues with the inner most loop.











2.        Break

A “break” may appear in any loop or a “switch” statement.  It causes the loop or the “switch” to terminate.  In the case of a nested loop, it breaks from the most inner loop.  There should be a test before executing the “break” statement otherwise the loop will run once skipping any statements pass the “break”.


For(; ;)









3.        Return

The “return” statement is equal to the “break” statement with the fact that it returns to the caller of the method, which the “return” statement is included in.  If the method is the “main” method then,r it terminates the program.  There should be a test before executing the “return” statement otherwise the method or the program will run up to the “return” statement and then will be terminated.












4.        goto Statement

Java does not allow any GOTO statement.



Example # 5 has code to illustrate the loops and jump statements.   It declares “BreakContinueReturn” class that has a constructor and the “ReadCahrFromKeyBoard()” method.    This method is a simple example of how to read a byte from the keyboard.  It has extra code to skip the carriage return.   It has an “IOException” exception, which handles the known error of getting a byte from the keyboard.   If the statement in the “try” block fails, the control flow will go to the “catch” block and returns a zero.  The code in the constructor declares three loops, “for”, “do while” and “while”.  It prompts the user to enter a char, gets a byte from the “ReadCahrFromKeyBoard()” method and casts it to a char.   The “continue”, “break” and “return” statements are used with each of the three loops to execute the user wishes.   The three loops are coded to be infinite and only the “break” and “return” statements can terminate any of these loops. The “BreakContinueReturn” class is instantiated in the static “main” method using the “new” operator to create an “BreakContinueReturn” class object.



Example # 5


 ** This Java program to illustrates BREAK, CONTINUE and RETURN

 ** Statements within the following loops: for, while and do while


import java.lang.*;


public class BreakContinueReturn


public BreakContinueReturn()


int                     LoopCounter = 0;

char                     Respondchar = 'B';


System.out.println("\n***************** For loop *************\n");

for( ; ; )


System.out.println("\nThis an Infinite FOR Loop");

System.out.println("To exit out this loop enter any of the following");

System.out.println("\"B\" or \"b\" or any key to break");

System.out.println("\"C\" or \"c\" to continue");

System.out.println("\"R\" or \"r\" to end this program");

System.out.print("Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> ");

Respondchar = (char)ReadCahrFromKeyBoard();

if( ('B' == Respondchar) || ('b' == Respondchar))



   if( ('R' == Respondchar) || ('r' == Respondchar))





System.out.println("\n***************** While loop *************\n");



System.out.println("\nThis an Infinite WHILE Loop");

System.out.println("To exit out this loop enter any of the following");

System.out.println("\"B\" or \"b\" or any key to break");

System.out.println("\"C\" or \"c\" to continue");

System.out.println("\"R\" or \"r\" to end this program");

System.out.print("Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> ");

Respondchar = (char)ReadCahrFromKeyBoard();

if( ('B' == Respondchar) || ('b' == Respondchar))



   if( ('R' == Respondchar) || ('r' == Respondchar))





System.out.println("\n***************** Do While loop *************\n");



System.out.println("\nThis an Infinite DO WHILE Loop");

System.out.println("To exit out this loop enter any of the following");

System.out.println("\"B\" or \"b\" or any key to break");

System.out.println("\"C\" or \"c\" to continue");

System.out.println("\"R\" or \"r\" to end this program");

System.out.print("Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> ");

Respondchar = (char)ReadCahrFromKeyBoard();

if( ('B' == Respondchar) || ('b' == Respondchar))



   if( ('R' == Respondchar) || ('r' == Respondchar))




} while (true);



public int ReadCahrFromKeyBoard()


int   InputByte;

int   InputByte_2;




InputByte    =;

// skip carriage return

if(   ('\n' == InputByte)

   ||  ('\r' == InputByte)


InputByte    =;


catch(IOException MyIOException)


return (0);


 // skip carriage return

InputByte_2 = InputByte;

while(  (InputByte_2 != '\n')

    &&  (InputByte_2 != '\r')





InputByte_2 =;


catch(IOException MyIOException)


return (0);






public static void main(String [] args)


BreakContinueReturn MyBreakContinueReturn

          = new BreakContinueReturn();





***************** For loop *************

This an Infinite FOR Loop

To exit out this loop enter any of the following

"B" or "b" or any key to break

"C" or "c" to continue

"R" or "r" to end this program

Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> b

***************** While loop *************

This an Infinite WHILE Loop

To exit out this loop enter any of the following

"B" or "b" or any key to break

"C" or "c" to continue

"R" or "r" to end this program

Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> B

***************** Do While loop *************

This an Infinite DO WHILE Loop

To exit out this loop enter any of the following

"B" or "b" or any key to break

"C" or "c" to continue

"R" or "r" to end this program

Enter a Char then press ENTER ====> R


As a practice, the reader can create the same program, but nest the loops within one another.  For example, the inner most loop would be the “for”, and most outer would be the “do while”.



Comma and the “for” Loop:


                Java does not support the comma “,” operator except within the “for” loop initialization and updating or increment sections.  Java does no allow the comma operator in the testing section.  Java does not allow variables declared within the initialization section to have the same name as the variables declared outside the “for” loop despite the fact that these “for” loop variables have their scope to be the “for” loop block.   Example # 6 code illustrates the comma operator and “for” loop.  The initialization, and increment sections use the comma operator, while the testing section does not allow it. 


Example # 6


 ** This Java program to illustrates COMMA operator and FOR loop


import java.lang.*;


public class CommaAndForLoop


public CommaAndForLoop()


int                LoopCounter_1,



Int                Count = 0;


System.out.println("Loop Counter \t\t Loop Counter Value\n");

for( // initialization section

LoopCounter_1 = 0,

LoopCounter_2 = 0,

LoopCounter_3 = 0

//         int  LoopCounter_4 = 0 is not allowed??

                ;  // end of initialization section

// testing section

        (LoopCounter_1 <= 5)

&&  (LoopCounter_2 <= 6)

&& (LoopCounter_3 <= 7)

;  // end of testing section

// incrementation section







System.out.println(Count + ") LoopCounter_1 \t\t" + LoopCounter_1);

System.out.println(Count + ") LoopCounter_2 \t\t" + LoopCounter_2);

System.out.println(Count + ") LoopCounter_3 \t\t" + LoopCounter_3 +





public static void main(String [] args)


CommaAndForLoop MyCommaAndForLoop = new CommaAndForLoop();





Loop Counter                  Loop Counter Value


1) LoopCounter_1                0

1) LoopCounter_2                0

1) LoopCounter_3                0


2) LoopCounter_1                1

2) LoopCounter_2                1

2) LoopCounter_3                1


3) LoopCounter_1                2

3) LoopCounter_2                2

3) LoopCounter_3                2


4) LoopCounter_1                3

4) LoopCounter_2                3

4) LoopCounter_3                3


5) LoopCounter_1                4

5) LoopCounter_2                4

5) LoopCounter_3                4


6) LoopCounter_1                5

6) LoopCounter_2                5

6) LoopCounter_3                 5





                A constant is an identifier that has a value stored it in and this value cannot be changes.  Declaring constants in Java is very simple.  It is basically a “final” variable.  A constant variable must be initialized with a value in its declaration.


                                                                                int                myInteger;

                                                                final                int                myConstant                          = 120;

                                public                     fnal                 int                myPublicConstant                 = myConstant + 10;

                                public                 static                 final                 int                myPublicStaticFinalConstant = 12;


The last three variables are constant, each variable must be initialized with a value.  The “static” and “public” modifiers are the setting of the scope and accessibility, which we will cover in the coming sections.   Several packages have constants that can be used within any Java program.  For example, The “java.awt.Color” class has a number of constants as follows:


                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 black;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 blue;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 cyan;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 darkGray;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 gray;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 green;

                pubic                 static                final                 Color                 lightGray;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 magenta;

                pubic                 static                 final                Color                 orange;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 pink;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 red;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 white;

                pubic                 static                 final                 Color                 yellow;


A programmer can set a GUI component’s background color as follows:


import java.awt.*;





We are using the Color class constant variable or member as constant.  Please note the “java.awt” package must be imported to make the Color class and its constants visible to the program.


“null” Value:


                “null” is a reserved keyword with a reserve value.  Its value means NO reference to object or an array of an object.  “null” can not be casted to any primitive type or tested to equal zero.


“true” and “false”:


                “true” and “false” are the only possible value a boolean variable can have.  They are constant literal values similar to an integer or a float literal.